Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Don't @%&* with Benny the Cop!

I'm pretty sure this is how my brother sees himself at work.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Arc ID's for VanGuard Unlimited

Ok guys and ladies

Once a week we will be updating the site with new Arc ID's for us to run and get a large amount of Prestige/XP/Tickets. These will also be nice for power leveling new toons to get them to at least Lv 20. Now and again I'm sure we will not have anything new, just keep a look out. Here are a couple I put together.

Arc ID:73666
The ZoneEnder Plot: 80-Saves 50-patrols 1-Boss
Tickets-3400-3600 per run

This meant for a very large amount of tickets and will be a bit time consuming. Be prepared.

Arc ID:60395
VanGuard Unlimited Prestige: 45-Saves 1-Boss

Much smaller map and groups. This will be for quick runs.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tap this thing on?

Sorry I missed you when you came up, college can be a wicked mistress.
Hope your trip went well.