Thursday, February 19, 2009

Field Crafter and You

Well folks, I spent my day off yesterday setting the ground work on Octayne to get the Field Crafter badge... ya know, the one that awards the spiffy portable crafting table? I now have all the badges necessary except the final one, which, given time, is easy enough to get.
What really helped me out on this (not counting all the cash made selling my random Posi-TF rolls) was this guide I tripped over.

Gaining the Field Crafter Badge

So there ya go, just in case anyone else was looking to get into it as well.

P.S. Help yourselves to the surplus IOs in the common bins, for selling or slotting, I don't care which, it's all good.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

New SG rules! Please read

From now on all ALT's must be made known to Leaders or here on the Blog. Unknown names wil be kicked immediately. We have a few new members helping themselves to High end IO's. These are to hard to come by already and I won't allow them to be stolen.

Take a few minutes and register your ALT's. Send Tell's to any Hero Elite.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Upgrading the CoH Engine - It;s bound to happen

Just a snip from the forums. The Original poster makes some valid points.

One of the more interesting comments made in another thread is that NCSoft needs to spend time working on updating the COH graphics engine to add features and take advantage of new hardware capabilities.

It occurs that there are several weaknesses in the CoH engine that newer games might use to leapfrog CoH. Some of these have been *ahem* Cryptically hinted at as receiving updates in the future. However, there is lots of room for improvement.

The big, glaring hole that has been 'too difficult' to address for a long, long time and that the devs have been tentatively hinting about might be addressed some time in the near future are the game engine capabilities required for Power Customization. This requires not only significant grunt-work on part of NCSoft staff to re-create power effects from source artwork and the like, but would also require significant code change to the graphics rendering engine and game UI to allow for all the varieties of customization.

For the sake of this post, we'll assume that even if NCSoft is not actively working on this right now, they know about how much time and effort it will take and have it 'scheduled'.

From the CoH Forums

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Merit Reward Tweaks On the Way

Okay kiddies, a new patch arrived on the test server last night. And according to the patch notes...

Merit Rewards

  • All tasks have had their Merit times and rewards re-evaluated. Most tasks received an increase to merits reward.
  • Failing a mission that is the final (or only) mission of a story arc, task force, strike force or trial may result in reduced rewards. Failing tasks that have 2 or less missions will award 0 merits. Failing tasks that have 3-4 missions will award 50% merits. Failing a task that has 5 or more missions will result in normal merits.
Now keep in mind these are subject to change, but I figured why not compile the changes in a post as people on the forums test them out.


    • Taskforce Name: Twilight Son Taskforce (Smoke and Mirrors)
      Contact: Twilight Son
      Merits Awarded: 3 (-1)

    • Taskforce Name: Katie Hannon Task Force
      Contact: Katie Hannon
      Merits Awarded: 9 Merits (+2)

    • Taskforce Name: Imperious Task Forece
      Contact: Imperious
      Merits Awarded: 28 (+3)
  • Trials

  • Story Arc's
  • 1-15
    • Arc name: Officer Wincott vs. The Trolls
      Contact: Officer Wincott
      Merits Awarded: 2 (+0)
  • 16-19
  • 20-24
    • Arc Name: Hear and Now
      Contact: Long Jack
      Merits Awarded: 10 merits (+5)
  • 25-29
  • 30-34
    • Arc name: Library of Souls
      Contact: Allison King
      Merits Awarded: 10 (-1)

    • Arc name: Unity Plague
      Contact: Jenny Firkins
      Merits Awarded: 10 merits (-2)

    • Arc name: Hatred's Hungry Heart
      Contact : Kelly Nemmers
      Merits Awarded 5 (+1)
  • 35-39
  • 40-45
    • Arc name: Division: Line
      Contact: Angus McQueen
      Merits Awarded: 21 (+3)
  • 46-50
    • Arc name: To Save A Thousand Worlds
      Contact: Unai Kemen
      Merits Awarded: 32 merits (+16)

    • Arc name: Future Threat
      Contact: Daedalus
      Merits Awarded: 7 (+4)

    • Arc name: Stolen Power
      Contact: Daedalus
      Merits Awarded: 2 (-1)

    • Arc name: Origin of Power
      Contact: Percy Winkley
      Merits Awarded: 3 (+1)

    • Arc name: Hero's Hero
      Contact: Maria Jenkins
      Merits Awarded: 24 Merits (+5)

    • Arc name: Black Shroud Dimension (Badge Mission)
      Contact: Maria Jenkins
      Merits Awarded: 1 Merit (+0)
  • Villains

  • Strikeforces
    • Strikeforce Name: Mender Silos SF
      Contact :Mender Silos
      Merits Awarded: 6 (+1)
  • Trial
    • Trial Name: Second Respec Trial
      Contact: Trepsarciel
      Merits Awarded: 15 (+0)
  • Story Arc's
  • 1-15
    • Arc name: The Vahzilok Conference
      Contact: Dmitri Krylov
      Merits Awarded: 5 (+1)

    • Arc name: Spy Hunt (aka After The Wall Fell)
      Contact: Dmitri Krylov
      Merits Awarded: 10 (+5)
  • 16-19
    • Arc name: Choose Your Own Adventure
      Contact : Fortunata Hamilton
      Merits Awarded 1 (-6)

    • Arc name: Master of Destruction
      Contact: Operative Wellman
      Merits Awarded: 5 (+3)
  • 20-24
  • 25-29
  • 30-34
    • Arc name: Silver Tongued Devil
      Contact: Hardcase
      Merits Awarded: 3 Merits(+0)

    • Arc name: Miss Fortune's Wheel
      Contact: Slot Machine
      Merits Awarded: 2 Merits (+1)

    • Arc name: High Roller's Last Gamble
      Contact: Slot Machine
      Merits Awarded: 4 Merits (+1)

    • Arc name: Psimon Sez
      Contact: Psimon Omega
      Merits Awarded: 5 Merits (-2)
  • 35-39
  • 40-45
    • Arc name: Breaking Knives
      Contact: Arbiter Daos
      Merits Awarded 4 (-5)

    • Arc name: Absolute Vengeance
      Contact: Arbiter Daos
      Merits Awarded: 2 Merits(-1) (done in 15 minutes)

    • Arc name: Kuhr'Rekt Diplomacy
      Contact: Kuhr'Rekt
      Merits Awarded: 3 (+1)
  • 46 to 50
    • Arc name: Video Killed the Radio
      Contact : Television
      Merits Awarded 2 (Change is +1)

    • Arc name: Von Grun's Redemption
      Contact: Vernon von Grun
      Merits Awarded 7 (-5)

    • Arc name: Video Games Made Me Do It
      Contact: Television
      Merits Awarded: 1 merit

    • Arc name: Oroborous Initiation
      Contact: The Pilgrim
      Merits Awarded: 3 Merits (+1)

    • Arc name: Escaped
      Contact: Operative Grillo
      Merits Awarded: 2 merits (+1)

    • Arc name: The Code Merlin
      Contact: Tavish Bell
      Merits Awarded: 4 (+2)

    • Arc name: Snake Fist
      Contact : Operative Grillo
      Merits Awarded 6 (+1)

    • Arc name: Light and Darkness
      Contact: Abyss
      Merits Awarded: 2 (+0)

    • Arc name: Vindication
      Contact: Abyss
      Merits Awarded: 3 (+0)

    • Arc name: The Conference of Evil
      Contact: Viridian
      Merits Awarded: 8 Merits (+1)
  • RWZ
    • Arc name: Dreams of Peace and Acts of War
      Contact: Serpent Drummer
      Merits Awarded: 10 (+5)

    • Arc name: Welcome to Vanguard
      Contact: Levantera
      Merits Awarded: 5 (+2)

    • Arc name: The Horror or War
      Contact Dark Watcher
      Merits Awarded 8 (+2)
    So There ya go... Quite a few interesting bits there, and a majority buff to the numbers really ("To Save a Thousand Worlds" up to 32 Merits!!!)...
  • Be cool to see how this pans out in the end.